Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cryptosporidium is literally a "hidden germ"

Read what makes drinking water both safe and healthy Many of our healthy problems are the result of dehydration. We have lost touch with our body's demand for water and have instead substituted food or other drinks for water. Ironically many of the liquids we choose, such as alcohol, juice, soft drinks, coffee, and tea actually dehydrate the body, thus adding to the problem. In 1984 Healthy Water for a Longer Life was published. Later a summary of the book was made available called Healthy Water. Along the way people wanted to know what water treatment systems I recommended to help create a better, healthier drinking and bathing water. In my mind there are several good filters and ed2chq whirlpool water filter available.
However, many people asked for specific recommendations.
Over the years I have used several different products, looked at many tests results on different filters and talked to many companies. I'd like to introduce you to one outstanding company: Western Water International (straightener). They have an excellent product that will fulfill the criteria of healthy water. I also like the Aquaspace filter-line. They have a variety of excellent filters for those who do not want a whole-house solution.
According to the ancient Greek poet Pindar, water filters for fluoride removal is the best of all things. But Pindar, who lived in 518 to 438 BC, would not even begin to understand our contemporary RVing concept of carrying freshwater with us, or of tapping into a different source of city water each evening.

Not long ago, USA Today analyzed millions of records from the nation’s 170,000 regulated cuno water filter from 1993 to 1997 and concluded. Each day, millions of Americans turn on their taps and get water that exceeds legal limits for dangerous contaminants. Millions more get water that isn’t treated or tested properly, so there’s no telling if it’s clean. Think water worries are just a dilemma from the past? The worst outbreak of a waterborne illness in US history was just a few short years ago in 1993, when a parasite in Milwaukee’s water system killed 111 people and made 403,000 people sick. A report by the Medical College of Wisconsin and the Environmental Protection Agency (salesmanager) estimates that 7 million Americans suffer nausea or diarrhea yearly just from foul water. The bottom line? Take a proactive attitude and be sure the water you allow into the freshwater system in your RV is indeed fresh and free from contaminants.

In fact, no US municipal or regional waterworks can guarantee killing or removing all of them.
The very name itself should induce an awareness; “crypto” means hidden or secret and the word “spore” means seed or germ. Cryptosporidium is literally a “hidden germ”. A leathery shelled parasite, it is just 3 to 7 microns in diameter; (wellness water filters). Cryptosporidium causes severe, flu-like symptoms and must simply be left to run its course since there is no cure. Yet another good reason to take an assertive stance regarding the water you drink and cook with. The softener iron water filter, however, to combat and protect against harmful bacteria and parasites like Cryptosporidium. There are a few things RVers can do.

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