Tuesday, May 7, 2013

BLA (Biologics License Application) and ODBMS

Flush eyes with warm water, drip sterile liquid paraffin (2-3 drops), and anti-trust pain - 0,5% solution dicaine. Characteristic brown color of language, oral mucosa and conjunctive. Contribute eliminate the effects of poisoning rubbing the body warmer Buy Cheap Isosorbide Mononitrate 50Mg the feet, short-term inhalation of ammonia. Sulfur dioxide. Inside - diphenhydramine, pipolfen - 0,025 Kind, the funds. Inhalation of oxygen. Increases respiratory failure, which becomes continuous, some type of Cheyne-Stokes. First aid. At a lower concentration of oxide Carbon headache, knock in temples, dizziness, pain in the chest, dry cough, watery eyes, nausea, and vomiting. Inside with food 10-20 grams per day of sodium chloride (table salt). When inhaled, sulfur dioxide a higher concentration of - gasp, speech disorder, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, possible acute oteklegkih. First aid. Inside - codeine (0,015 g), dionin (0,01 g). Have been frequently reported serious complications: stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, polyneuritis, edema brain impairment. Marked reddening of the skin, Imdur (Isosorbide Mononitrate) - Buy Online for Cheap membranes karminnokrasnaya paint, tachycardia, increased blood pressure. Bemegride, korazol, analeptic mixture, camphor, caffeine when these phenomena are contraindicated. Drink warm milk with Borjomi, or with soda. Further develop drowsiness, possible motive paralysis with preserved consciousness, and then loss of consciousness and coma condition with severe kloniko-tonic convulsions, involuntary discharge of urine and feces. To relieve spasms and psychomotor agitation may be used antipsychotics, such as chlorpromazine (1-3 ml 2.5% solution intramuscularly, previously diluted in 5 ml 0.5% sterile solution of Novocaine) or chloral hydrate in an enema. Pervan assistance - see Nitrogen. Carbon monoxide, coal gas (carbon monoxide). Perhaps the development of myocardial infarction, commonly seen cutaneous trophic disorders (bubbles, local edema with swelling and subsequent necrosis), mioglobinuriyny nephrosis. Lethal concentration in air: 1.2 mg / liter. Symptoms: Inhalation of bromine having a runny nose, watery eyes, salivation, conjunctivitis. When you exit the comatose state is characterized by appearance of abrupt motor excitation. Symptoms: runny nose, cough, hoarseness, sore throat. Remove victim of a poisoned atmosphere. Patients with severe poisoning to be hospitalized, as are possible complications of the lungs and nervous system at a later date. Perhaps re-development coma.

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